Why is it that some days we train and perform effortlessly?

Our bodies move as if they are on autopilot and technique flows without thought? Sometimes we are aware of the energy we are exerting and a level of physical pain is registering, but we feel only the excitement for our sport. Panic and tension are nowhere to be found. We are so involved in the moment that we don't remember how we got up the hill, ran to mile 12, or arrived at our last lap.
The ability to override the physical pain of a race is a learned technique. This achievement is the flow between our bodies and our brains. The two entities work in conjunction sending messages and executing the best possible plan. To do this our brain utilizes its limbic system to manage our heart rate, breathing, flight or fight response, and emotional arousal. This can result in a fine line between performance and panic. Successful athletes learn how to use pressure to their advantage, to find the optimal level of activation for their brains, and to befriend the flow!

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Using techniques based in current brain research, mindfulness, breathing, and activation management, together we will find your grit.

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